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David Copperfield + CD
Eredeti ár: 3 290 Ft
Online ár: 3 125 Ft
David Copperfield + CD

0  |  eli | 2014

Önéletrajzi regénynek szokták nevezni, de nem egészen az. Életének csak néhány emlékezetes...

Szállítási idő:
2-5 munkanap

312 pontot ér

Eredeti ár: 3 290 Ft
Online ár: 3 125 Ft

Fiona Mackenzie   (Szerk.) - Amazing Leaders: A2
Eredeti ár: 4 490 Ft
Online ár: 4 265 Ft
Fiona Mackenzie   (Szerk.) - Amazing Leaders: A2

0  |  harper collins publishers | 2014

Contents: William the Conqueror, the first Norman King of England Saladin, historic Muslim...

Szállítási idő:
2-5 munkanap

426 pontot ér

Eredeti ár: 4 490 Ft
Online ár: 4 265 Ft

Jennifer Bassett - Shirley Homes and the Lithuanian Case - Oxford Bookworms Library 1 - MP3 Pack

0  |  oxford university press | 2019

Shirley Homes is a private investigator. She is clever with computers, and knows London like the...


Utolsó ismert ár:
3 961 Ft

Emily Slocum - PONS Der Mitternachtsmörder
Utolsó ismert ár:
3 125 Ft
Emily Slocum - PONS Der Mitternachtsmörder

4.6  |  raabe klett oktatási tanácsadó és | 2019

A PONS krimisorozatának új tagja ezúttal német vizekre kalauzolja az Olvasót. A Der...


Utolsó ismert ár:
3 125 Ft

Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice - Oxford Bookworms Library 6 - MP3 Pack
Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice - Oxford Bookworms Library 6 - MP3 Pack

0  |  oxford university press | 2018

The moment I first met you, I noticed your pride, your sense of superiority, and your selfish...


Utolsó ismert ár:
4 037 Ft

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - Sherlock Holmes: The Dying Detective - Dominoes Quick Starter - MP3 Pack

0  |  oxford university press | 2018

Sherlock Holmes was trying solve a murder. But now he has a terrible illness, and he is not his...


Utolsó ismert ár:
4 156 Ft

Edgar Allan Poe - The Murders in the Rue Morgue - Oxford Bookworms Library 2 - MP3 Pack

0  |  oxford university press | 2018

Nobody in Paris could find any answers to some mystery, except Dupin, who could see further and...


Utolsó ismert ár:
4 037 Ft

Stories from the Heart - Oxford Bookworms Library 2 - MP3 Pack
Stories from the Heart - Oxford Bookworms Library 2 - MP3 Pack

0  |  oxford university press | 2018

From Nigeria to New Zealand, from Jamaica to Malaysia, from India to South Africa, these stories...


Utolsó ismert ár:
2 969 Ft

The Kiss: Love Stories From North America - Oxford Bookworms Library 3 - MP3 Pack

0  |  oxford university press | 2018

'Factfiles' are a sub-series of 'Bookworms' with a non-fiction angle providing factual information...


Utolsó ismert ár:
4 037 Ft

Nicole Irving - Hachiko - Oxford Bookworms Library 1 - MP3 Pack
Nicole Irving - Hachiko - Oxford Bookworms Library 1 - MP3 Pack

0  |  oxford university press | 2018

Hachikó Japán leghíresebb kutyája, aki gazdája halála után is még éveken át várta őt a...


Utolsó ismert ár:
4 037 Ft

Tim Vicary - Skyjack! - Oxford Bookworms Library 3 - MP3 Pack
Utolsó ismert ár:
4 037 Ft
Tim Vicary - Skyjack! - Oxford Bookworms Library 3 - MP3 Pack

0  |  oxford university press | 2018

When a large plan is hijacked, the Prime Minister looks at the list of passengers and suddenly...


Utolsó ismert ár:
4 037 Ft

Jules Verne - 20000 Leagues Under The Sea - Oxford Bookworms Library 4 - MP3 Pack

0  |  oxford university press | 2018

Professor Aronnax meets the mysterious Captain Nemo, his adventure becomes more extraordinary than...


Utolsó ismert ár:
3 083 Ft

Charles Dickens - Little Dorrit - Oxford Bookworms Library 5 - MP3 Pack
Charles Dickens - Little Dorrit - Oxford Bookworms Library 5 - MP3 Pack

0  |  oxford university press | 2018

Arthur Clennam sokévi távollét után hazatér Angliába. Anyja most is pont olyan rideg és kemény...


Utolsó ismert ár:
4 037 Ft

Katherine Mansfield - The Garden Party - Oxford Bookworms Library 5 - MP3 Pack
Katherine Mansfield - The Garden Party - Oxford Bookworms Library 5 - MP3 Pack

0  |  oxford university press | 2018

Oh, how delightful it is to fall in love for the first time! How exciting to go to your first dance...


Utolsó ismert ár:
4 037 Ft

Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist -  Oxford Bookworms Library 6 - MP3 Pack
Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist -  Oxford Bookworms Library 6 - MP3 Pack

0  |  oxford university press | 2018

London in the 1830s was no place to be if you were a hungry ten-year-old boy, an orphan without...


Utolsó ismert ár:
4 037 Ft

Louis De Bernieres - Red Dog -  Oxford Bookworms Library 2 - MP3 Pack
Louis De Bernieres - Red Dog -  Oxford Bookworms Library 2 - MP3 Pack

0  |  oxford university press | 2018

Red Dog 's life was full of excitement and adventure. He travelled all over Western Australia, and...


Utolsó ismert ár:
3 083 Ft

Daniel Defoe - Robinson Crusoe -  Oxford Bookworms Library 2 - MP3 Pack
Daniel Defoe - Robinson Crusoe -  Oxford Bookworms Library 2 - MP3 Pack

0  |  oxford university press | 2018

I often walked along the shore, and one day I saw something in the sand. I went over to look at it...


Utolsó ismert ár:
3 767 Ft

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - The Hound of the Baskervilles - Oxford Bookworms Library 4 - MP3 Pack

0  |  oxford university press | 2018

Dartmoor. A wild, wet place in the south-west of England. A place where it is easy to get lost, and...


Utolsó ismert ár:
4 037 Ft

Christine Lindop - Sally's Phone -  Oxford Bookworms Library Starters - MP3 Pack

0  |  oxford university press | 2018

Sally is always running- and she has her phone with her all the time: at home, on the train, at...


Utolsó ismert ár:
4 037 Ft

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - Sherlock Holmes And Duke's Son - Oxford Bookworms Library 1 - MP3 Pack

0  |  oxford university press | 2018

Dr Huxtable has a school for boys in the north of England. When the Duke of Holdernesse decides to...


Utolsó ismert ár:
4 037 Ft

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