Csizmadia Norbert

Geofusion - Mapping of the 21st Century

 | 2017  | ANGOL nyelvű

We live in a unique "geo" ages, in the first decade of the 21st century, a geoeconomic era where geography is appreciated again. The 21st century encompasses political and economic games where the multi-polar world, a new world order and a new value system develop new actors and new industries, in a boundless world, where technology an innovation generates new boundaries. The location of the countries is key in taking over the new economic power centers, countries, cities and city-states. It is a knowledge & creativity era (technology + knowledge + geography = "technknowledgeography" or Geofusion) where education and innovation are the most important investment. The explorers of the 21st century rely on their inner compass in an age where information is the raw material of the future. Knowledge is the currency of this future involving individual ideas and creativity. This is a fusion of age, which is also the age of networks. The universe of geoeconomy is the main issue in how this "Geofusion" is special to our moment and opportunity, which can give lasting value to the world. Drawn with knowledge, the 21st century map of the new breed of compasses is utilized to discover and conform this new world! "This special geopolitical "guidebook" illustrated richly, with 100 maps, infographics and facts, gives an answer how to foresight the global processes on the basis of the latest geographic-economic and urban research results.
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