Conn Iggulden

Lords of the Bow

harper collins publishers  | 2008

Temujin of the Wolves has become Genghis Khan, a man who must unite the most fractious, warlike tribesón earth. He intendsto forge a new nation out ofthe wild plains and mountams Of Mongolia. It will be a bloody birth that brings a continent to its Knees. For thousands ofyears, his people have been kept apart by the fortress empire of the Chin, aland of vast wealth and teeming armies. His warriors have only the bow, the horse and an iron discipline born from a land ofice, hunger and death. Stone walls loom over the Mongol riders and Genghis must break the ancient eaeiiíy, or see his people scattered and his dreams crushed.  
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Kiadó harper collins publishers
Kiadás éve2008
Súly140 gr
Árukód2072866 / 1003990

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Utolsó ismert ár:
4 702 Ft

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Házhoz szállítás

15 000 Ft felett ingyenes

Hartigan Browne: Gyémántrablás Mocsárváron Hartigan Browne: Gyémántrablás Mocsárváron